Lego DC Line Preview

Those of you who have been reading from the beginning will know that I rather like Legos. And I rather like the DC universes. So when those two things come together, naturally, I’m excited. So since a new round of Lego superhero sets has recently been announced, I thought I’d do a preview of each of the upcoming lines starting with DC, and then Star Wars and Marvel

1. Batman vs. Arctic Mr. Freeze – Aquaman on Ice


Price (Estimate): $29.99 (Based on price in euros and size of set)


As shown in the image, this set includes a small ice structure. Based on the picture, it may be able to open, and considering the name of the set “Aquaman on Ice” it could be portraying a scene in which Mr. Freeze takes Aquaman captive. This single structure would create a logical prison in which Mr. Freeze could be keeping Aquaman.


The set comes with the bat boat. In previous sets of the recently rebooted DC line, we’ve seen both the Batwing and the Batpod/Batcycle. The bat boat looks pretty cool, with a great design. However, it looks to be a little small, which is something of a let down because of the price tag on the set.


The minifigures is this sets strongest area. It includes three minifigures: Mr.Freeze, White suited Batman, and Aquaman. Of those three, only one has ever been made before, and that is Mr. Freeze. However, this update of Mr. Freeze looks a lot better than previous versions. The White suited Batman also looks pretty cool, suggesting an arctic setting for the set. And Aquaman also looks like a great minifigure, and is the first Lego Aquaman ever seen.

Will I buy it?

Maybe. The 29.99 price tag is a little hefty for a set that looks slightly small, but the minifigures are pretty cool.

2. Batman vs. Bane – Chase with Tumblr


Price (Estimate): 49.99 (Based on price in euros)


The only things resembling any sort of structures in this set are the two road blocks, which are cool for recreating a chase scene, but slightly unneeded.


This set includes two of the Dark Knight Rises signature vehicles: The Tumblr (Also known as the Batmbile in Batman Begins and The Dark Knight) and the Bat. Both of these look extremely disappointing. First of all, they both seem small, and should have each merited their own Lego sets, as the undersized versions are sure to disappoint. Other than that, the Tumblr does look pretty good. But the Bat? It looks terrible. I don;t recall there being any blue on it. The vehicle was entirely black. And the flick launch missiles are sure to disappoint.


All of the minifigures in this set are based on the versions of the characters from the Dark Knight Rises. And they did a great job of creating faithful renditions of Bane, Batman, and Commissioner Gordon. All three look great, and are probably pretty awesome minifigures.

Will I buy it?

No. It’s a weak set. Both the Tumblr and the Bat are extremely undersized, and the Bat looks nothing like the source material. Despite this, the minifigures do look great, but still are not enough to justify the hefty price tag.

3. Superman – Metropolis Showdown

Price: Unknown, though most likely above $100.


Nothing has been confirmed. However, it could include some buildings, since it takes place in one of the DC Universe’s biggest and most well known cities.


Nothing confirmed, and no speculation.


The only confirmed minifigure is Superman. The set will surely include a major Superman villain as well. My shortlist of potential villains are Doomsday, Darkseid, and Bizarro, as a Bizarro minifigure has already been revealed. It may also include Lois Lane, Jimmy Olson, and some civilians. Hopefully other JLA members will also be included.

Will I buy it?

I’d need to see some pictures first, and it mostly depends on who the villain is. I’m pretty sure Lego can pull off a faithful rendition of at least a part of Metropolis, but they could fall short by including a minor villain.


4. Superman – Battle Of Smallville 

Price: Unknown


Again, nothing confirmed but possibly the Kent farm.


Also, nothing confirmed.


Superman for sure, and Johnathon and Martha Kent are also possibilities. This will most likely include a Superman villain, and my shortlist remains the same. Hopefully, it also includes some other members of the Justice League.

Will I buy it?

Only if I don’t buy Metropolis Showdown. They will probably end up being very similar sets.

5. DC Universe

Price: Unknown


The title of this set leaves it open for speculation. Honestly, I wouldn’t rule out something like the Watchtower. At this stage, I’m hoping that it’s something relatively big, and contains some major structure from the DC Universe. Maybe Superman’s Fortress of Solitude, though there’s already an emphasis on Superman. The Titans Tower or Mount Justice would both make cool Lego sets as well.


Again, I wouldn’t rule anything out. It could be someone’s vehicle, possibly Wonder Woman’s jet. I’m just hoping that it’s a set that allows for more heroes to be introduced to the line.


I’m crossing my fingers for some incarnation of the Justice League. I’d be fine with a group of any of the founding members, and maybe a major Justice League villain. Some incarnation of the Teen Titans or other sidekick team would be pretty cool as well.

Will I buy it?

I have no idea. It all depends on what it is. If it’s something really cool with a fair price tag, then yeah, of course I’ll get it. I’ll just have to wait and see what it turns out to be though.

6. Arkham Asylum


Price: $159.99


The structures are the main attraction of this set. While we haven’t seen much of the inside, Arkham Asylum looks awesome from the outside. I’m sure that it will also be loaded with cool features on the inside, such as trap doors and cool room decor. The gate looks really awesome as well, and when combined, these two pieces will probably be able to create an excellent scenario.


The only vehicle this set includes is a van to transport prisoners to the Asylum. It’s nothing new, but it’s still fairly cool, and adds a lot to the set, definitely in the area of play value.


This set boasts a great group of minifigures. It includes a black suited Batman which looks pretty awesome, as well as a hooded Robin, most likely Tim Drake. (Who is my personal favorite) It also includes Harleen Quinzel (Both as Harley Quinn and as a psychiatrist). It also includes several high profile Batman villains, such as The Penguin, Scarecrow, Poison Ivy, and, of course, the Joker. All of them have great head and torso designs. The last minifigure seals the deal though. It’s a guard. Who wouldn’t want that minifigure?

Will I buy it?

For sure. The high price tag is more than justified by the Asylum alone. The Asylum looks awesome and is sure to have some great features. The van is cool, but the minifigures are what really steal the show here. Five A-List Batman villains, plus both Batman and Robin. An eighth minifigure comes in the form of a guard, but still, eight minifigures is impressive.

So there they are. Those are the six officially announced DC Lego sets coming in 2013. What do you think of them? Let me know in the comments! Also, if you have any theories as to what the “DC Universe” set could be, do tell! And any speculation on sets we don’t have pictures for is welcomed!

About jeanluc1997

Fan fiction writer, Youtube video maker. Hardcore Star Wars fan. Progressive Liberal.
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