The Most Promising Movies Of The Next Year

There have been some pretty good movies so far this year. We’ve gotten The Dark Knight Rises, The Avengers, The Amazing Spider-Man, Hugo, The Hunger Games, and many more. And there’s no shortage of movies that will be coming out over the course of the next year. Some of them look awesome, and others not so much. This is just my shortlist of movies that look promising and hopefully will be pretty good.

The Man of Steel

Release date: June 2013


A Superman movie from most of the team that created the Dark Knight trilogy? Yes please. With director Zach Snyder directing and Christopher Nolan producing, this looks like a promising reboot of the Superman movie franchise. Based on the screenshots and teaser trailer we’ve seen, it actually looks really good. With David S. Goyer writing the screenplay, it’s sure to have an excellent story and be extremely well written. Like The Dark Knight trilogy, which he also wrote, it will probably also have real world implications and be a more realistic take on the Man of Steel. Hopefully this feeds into an eventual Justice League movie, and I can’t wait to see it.

Star Trek: Into Darkness

Release Date: May 2013


The follow up to 2009’s Star Trek, Into Darkness will see the return of JJ Abrams in the directors seat, as well as much of the original’s cast. Much is being speculated about the plot of it’s movie, and rumors of Khan making an appearance are flying. And that would be pretty awesome. With an extremely strong cast, as demonstrated in the first movie, and an excellent studio team, this movie has a lot of promise. We’ve only seen a brief teaser trailer and a few screenshots, but it already looks great. And after how awesome the first was, I’m pumped for this movie.

The Hobbit

Release Date: December 14th, 2012


Oh yes, the Hobbit. The prequel to the Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Hobbit will be done in three parts. It chronicles the adventures of Bilbo Baggins as he, Gandalf, and a group of dwarves venture to the Misty Mountains in search of Smog the dragon. These films will also tell the story of how Bilbo ended up in possession of the ring of power. From the trailers and clips we’ve seen so far, all three parts of The Hobbit are shaping up to be great movies, especially since they are still helmed by essentially the same studio team responsible for the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Being a massive fan of the novel (unlike most) I really cannot wait to see how this movie is handled.

The Wolverine

Release Date: July 26 2013


Yeah. The Wolverine. After the failure that was X-Men Origins: Wolverine, we’re getting another Wolverine movie. And this one will hopefully be a lot better. We haven’t seen that much of it yet, so I can’t use trailers or an abundance of screenshots to judge it’s awesomeness. But being a Wolverine fan, this movie definitely sounds good to me. And the single sentence plot summary we have makes the movie sound badass. “Wolverine travels to Japan to train with a samurai warrior.” Ok, how awesome is that? I’m not exactly a Marvel expert, so I don’t know if that “samurai warrior” is anyone major, but still… it sounds pretty awesome, no?

Thor: The Dark World

Release Date: November 8th 2013


I was big fan of the first Thor movie, and I love his character. The studio team did a great job writing, directing, and producing the first movie, and the cast performed excellently. And now, with Joss Whedon looking over their collective shoulders, I’m not sure this many has even the slightest chance of not being good. Maybe I’m getting myself overexcited but just the title sounds awesome, suggesting a possible trip to another realm. This movie looks and sounds amazing, and I simply cannot wait.

Iron Man 3

Release Date: May 3 2013


The trailer for this that we just recently got was AMAZING. I have extremely high hopes for this movie, as the first two, like Thor, had a great studio team and cast, and, also like Thor, now has Joss Whedon looking over everything. And that is awesome. Based on the trailer, it seems that they’re going for a Dark Knight Rises esque plot, in which the hero is defeated and then rises, and could be done really well, and probably will be based on what the trailer shows us. It’ll be interesting to see what new tech is introduced as well as what characters are introduced into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Oh, and Ben Kingsley as the Mandarin? Bring it on.

So there they are. My most anticipated movies of the coming year. All of them are shaping up to be awesome, and I can’t wait to see all of them. If you think i missed any, or there are any on here that you disagree with, let me know in the comments below!

About jeanluc1997

Fan fiction writer, Youtube video maker. Hardcore Star Wars fan. Progressive Liberal.
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